HDI Manufacturer | HDI Factory | High Quality HDI Products – chemhdi.com Knowledge About 100 formulas of commonly used culture media_Kain Industrial Additives

About 100 formulas of commonly used culture media_Kain Industrial Additives

About 100 formulas of commonly used culture media_Kain Industrial Additives

Microbial culture media products for molecular biology and protein expression:


English name
Chinese name
CAS code number

2-Nitrophenyl β-D-galactopyranoside [Medium for β-D-galactose]

4-Nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside [Medium for β-galactose]

D-(-)-Luciferin [Chemiluminescence Reagent]
D-(-)-fluorescein [chemiluminescence reagent]

5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β-D-galactanthracene [for biochemical research]

Magenta-Gal (contains ca. 10% Ethyl Acetate)
5-Bromo-6-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-galactanthracene (containing approximately 10% ethyl acetate) [for biochemical research]

G Bluo-Gal
5-Bromo-3-indolyl-β-D-galactanthracene [for biochemical research]

G Rose-Gal
6-Chloro-3-indole-β-D-galactanthracene [for biochemical research]

About 100 formulas of commonly used culture media:

1. Acetobacter Medium (acetobacter medium)
Glucose (glucose) 100g Yeasst extract (yeast extract) 10g
CaCO3 20g Agar 15g
Distilled water 1000ml Adjust pH to 6.8
Scope of application: Acetobacter putida var. opacity

2. Nutrient Agar (Nutrient Grain Agar)
Pepton (protein peptone) 5g Beef extract (beef extract) 30g
NaCl 5g Agar 15g
Distilled water Adjust pH to 7.0-7.2
[Note]:When cultivation of Bacillus, 5mg of to MnSO4.H2O may be added.
It is favorable to promote spore formation.
Scope of application: Aerobacillus aerogenes, Alcaligenes faecalis, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus cereus fungoides, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus polymyxa, Bacillus dusti, Bacillus pumilus, thermophila Bacillus stearogenum, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus subtilis var. subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies Galleria mellonella (catworm), Bacillus thuringiensis var. goldseed, Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies damping off, ammonia production Brevibacterium, Brevibacterium flavum, Corynebacterium glutamicum, Corynebacterium Beijing, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), Pseudomonas convexis, Pseudomonas fluorescens , Pseudomonas campylosus, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas spp., Sarcina luteus, Sarcina subflavin, Sarcina urea, Staphylococcus aureus, Zymomonas mobilis

3. Azotobacter Medium (nitrogen-fixing bacteria medium)
KH2PO4 0.2g K2HPO4 0.8g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g CaSO4.2H2O 0.1g
Na2MoO4.2H2O Trace(trace) Yeast axtract(yeast paste) 0.5g
Mannitol (mannitol) 20g FeCl3 Tract (trace)
Distilled water (distilled water) 1000ml Agar (agar) 15g
Adjust pH to 7.2
Scope of application: Azotobacteria, Bacillus glioides

4. Corn Meal Medium (corn meal medium)
Maize flour (corn flour) 5g Peptone (peptone) 0.1g
Glucose (glucose) 1g Tap water (tap water) 1000ml
[Note]: Boil the mixture in autoclave at 121℃ for 1 hr. distribute the medium into 18ⅹ18 mm tubes, each contains 10 ml of the liquid, then autoclave at 121℃ for 1 hr. again (15 pounds boil for 1 hour, min. Load into 18ⅹ18 mm test tubes, each tube is 6 cm deep. 15 lbs. Sterilize again for 15 hours.)

5. Lactic-bacteria Medium I (lactic acid bacteria medium I)
Yeast extract (yeast extract) 7.5g Peptone (peptone) 7.5g
Glucose (glucose) 10g KH2PO4 2g
Tomato juice (tomato juice) 100ml Tween (Tween) 80 0.5ml
Distilled water (distilled water) 900ml pH 7.0
Scope of application: Lactobacillus plantarum (Lactobacillus plantarum), Lactococcus thermophilus

6. Lactic-bacteria Midium Ⅱ (lactic acid bacteria medium Ⅱ)
Lacto-casein peptone (lactocasein peptone) 10g Beef extract (protein peptone) 10g
Yeast extract (yeast extract) 5g Glucose (glucose) 5g
Tween 80 1g K2HPO4 2g
Na-acetate (sodium acetate) 5g Diamine citrate (diamine citrate) 2g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g MnSO4.H2O 0.05g
Distilled water (distilled water) 1000m pH 6.5-6.8
Scope of application: Lactobacillus plantarum (Lactobacillus plantarum)

7. Peotone Glucose Yeast extract Medium PGY (peptone, yeast extract, glucose medium)
Peptone (protein peptone) 10g Yeast extract (yeast extract) 5g
Glucose 1g Distilled water 1L

8. Glycerol Agar
Peptone (protein peptone) 5g Beef extract (yeast extract) 3g
Glycerol (glycerin) 20g Top water (tap water) 1000ml
Agar (agar) 15g pH 7.0-7.2

9. Rhizobium medium AS 9
Yeast eztract (yeast extract) 1g Soil eztract (soil extract) 200ml
Mannitol 10g Agar 15g
Distilled water (distilled water) 800ml pH 7.2
[Note]: Soil extract: Suspend 50g finely and dried gardon soil in 200ml of tap water. Autoclave at 121℃ for 1 hr. Decant through cotton-cloth, filler though paper, make up volume to 200ml. Resterilize for 20 minutes at 121 ℃ , then mix��Glucose 10.0g
Agar 20.0g distilled water 1000ml
pH 7.3

73. Harroldˊs M40Y (ATCC 319)
Malt extract 20.0g Yeast extract 5.0g
Sucrose 400.0g Agar 20.0g
Distilled water 1000ml

74. PSA (Potato Sucrose Agar)
Potatoes 200g Sucrose 20g
Distilled water 1000ml Agar 20g
pH 6.0-6.5

75. Medium
Beef extract 300g Hydrolyzed casein 17.5g
Soluble starch 1.5g Agar 20.0g
Distilled water 1000ml Sulfadiazine (final concentration) 100μg/ml
Ampicillin (final concentration) 100μg/ml
pH 7.3-7.4

76. Potato Beef Juice Medium
Maltose 20.0g Beef extract 5.0g
Peptone 3.0g Potato 200.0g
pH 7.0-7.2

77. ISP 2
Yeast extract 4.0g Wort 10.0g
Glucose 4.0g Agar 20.0g
Distilled water 1000ml
pH 7.0

78. BHI (Brain Heart Infusion)
Beef brain 200.0g Beef heart extract 250.0g
Peptone 10.0g Glucose 2.0g
NaCl 5.0g Agar 20.0g
Distilled water 1000ml

79. YPG (Yeast Peptone Glucose)
Yeast extract 10.0g Peptone 20.0g
Glucose 20.0g Agar 20.0g
Distilled water 1000ml pH 7.0

80. Rabbit food agar medium (ATCC 340)
Rabbit food (sold in stores) 25.0g Agar 20.0g
Distilled water 1000ml
* Boil rabbit food, soak for 1/2 hour, filter with multiple layers of gauze, and add agar to the filtrate.

81. Potato agar (ATCC 423)
Cut 200 grams of peeled potatoes into small pieces and boil them in 1000 ml tap water for 1 hour. Filter with fine cotton cloth. Add 5.0 mg MnSO4, adjust the pH to 6.8, and adjust the volume to 1000 ml with tap water. Add 15.0g agar, dissolve, aliquot and sterilize.

82. Potato juice plus inorganic salt medium (ATCC 470)
Potatoes 2000g MnSO4.5H2O 0.02g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.4g ZnSO4.7H2O 0.01g
CuSO4. 5H2O 0.01g FeSO4.7H2O 0.1g
CaCl2.2H2O 0.1g K2HPO4 0.5g
* Weigh 200g of peeled potatoes, add 1000ml of distilled water and boil for 30 minutes. Filter with multiple layers of gauze. Add the above ingredients to the filtrate, dissolve and adjust to 1000ml.
83. Inorganic salt starch agar medium (ATCC 527)
Soluble starch 10.0g K2HPO4 1.0g
MgSO4 1.0g NaCl 1.0g
(NH4)2SO4 2.0g CaCO3 2.0g
FeSO4.7H2O 0.001g MnCl2.7H2O 0.001g
ZnSO4.7H2O 0.001g Agar 20.0g
pH 7.0-7.4

84. (AS125)
Fresh eggs 15-16 Distilled water 375ml
2% peacock (stone) green 10.0g K4HPO4 1.5g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.375g Asparagine 2.25g
Glycerin 7.5ml Potato flour 18.8g

85. Oatmeal agar medium
Oatmeal 60.0g Agar 12.5g
Distilled water 1000ml
Add 600ml of oatmeal water to make a homogenate, heat to 45-50oC, then add another 400ml of water with dissolved agar, and sterilize at 121oC for 90 minutes.

86. Bacterial culture medium (ATCC 573)
(NH4)2SO4 1.3g K2HPO4 0.37g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.25g CaCl2.2H2O 0.07g
FeCl3 0.02g Glucose 1.0g
Yeast paste 1.0g distilled water 1000ml
Adjust pH to 4.0 with 10N H2SO4. If solid culture medium is prepared, in order to enhance the strength of the above solution, the pH needs to be adjusted to 3.5 and the agar aqueous solution concentration is 40g/L. The two are autoclaved separately, cooled to about 50oC, and the two solutions are mixed in equal volumes aseptically. This process can prevent the agar from being hydrolyzed by acid.

87. Minced meat medium (ATCC 593)
Beef (fat removed) 500.0g distilled water 1000ml
NaOH 25.0ml
The fat and surrounding tissue must be removed from the lean beef or horse meat used before grinding. Mix meat, water and NaOH, heat while stirring, cool to room temperature, remove surface fat, filter, leaving minced meat and filtrate. Add distilled water to the filtrate to make it 1000ml. Add the following ingredients to the filtrate:
Peptone 30.0g Yeast extract 5.0g
K2HPO4 5.0g 0.025% Resazurin solution 4.0ml
Then boil, cool, and add 0.5g L-cysteine ​​HCl. H2O, pH adjusted to 7.0. Under the conditions of oxygen, nitrogen (O2-freenitrogen) and 3% hydrogen, add 1 part of minced meat to 4-5 parts of the solution in each test tube. Under nitrogen and hydrogen conditions, use a rubber stopper, quickly exhaust, and autoclave for 15 minutes.

88. YMPG
Yeast extract 3.0g Wort 3.0g
Peptone 5.0g Glucose 10.0g
FeSO4.7H2O 0.1g Agar 20.0g
Distilled water 1000ml pH 6.8
Sterilization: 110oC, 35 minutes

89. TGYM medium (ATCC 679)
Tryptone 5.0g Glucose 1.0g
Yeast paste 3.0g distilled water 1000ml
DL-Methionine (DL-Meth 0.5g

90. TYG medium (ATCC 741)
Tryptone 3.0g Yeast extract 3.0g
Glucose 3.0g K2HPO4 1.0g
Agar 20.0g distilled water 1000ml
pH 7.4

91. M9
Na2HPO4 12.8g KH2PO4 3.0g
NaCl 0.5g NH4Cl 0.5g
Glucose (sterilized separately) 10.0g Vitamin B1 (sterilized separately) 1μg/ml
pH natural

92. ISP3 (IFO 245)
Oat flour 20.0g Trace element solution 1ml
pH 7.2
Trace elements:
FeSO4.7H2O 0.1g MnCl2.4H2O 0.1g
ZnSO4.7H2O 0.1g

93. Oatmeal Agar
Agar 5.0g distilled water 500ml
Heat and dissolve instant oat flour 40.0g distilled water 250ml
After heating and melting, mix with agar solution and add water to 1000ml pH 5.8

94. V8-Juice Agar (AYCC 343)
V-8 Juice 200g CaCO3 3.0g
Agar 20.0g distilled water 1000ml
pH 5.8

95. Czapek-Dox Agar (ATCC 312)
NaNO3 3.0g K2HPO4 1.0g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.5g KCl 0.5g
FeSO4.7H2O 0.01g Sucrose (sterilized separately) 30.0g
Agar 20.0g distilled water 1000ml
pH 5.6

96. GC medium (ATCC 814)
Liquid A
Agar 5.0g GC agar medium (BBL 11275) 36.0g
Distilled water 500.0ml
B liquid
Dried bovine hemoglobin (BBL 11871) 10.0g distilled water 500.0ml
Iso Vitale X (BBL 11876) 10.0ml

97. Azospirillum medium (ATCC 838)
K2HPO4 0.1g KH2PO4 0.4g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g NaCl 0.1g
CaCl2 0.02g FeCl3 0.01g
NaMoO4.2H2O 0.002g Sodium malate (Na malate) 5.0g
Yeast paste 0.05g distilled water 1000ml
pH 7.2-7.4

98. BG-11
NaNO3 1.5g K2HPO4 0.04g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.075g CaCl2.7H2O 0.036g
Na2CO3 0.02g Citric acid 0.006g
Ferric citrate 0.006g *Trace element solution A5 1ml
Ampicillin (final concentration) 50μg/ml distilled water 1000ml
Agar 20.0g
Trace element solution A5
H3BO4 2.86g MnCl2.4H2O 1.81g
ZnSO4 0.222g Na2MoO4 0.39g
CuSO4.5H2O 0.079g Co(NO3)2.6H2O 49.4g

99. (Marine Agar)
Peptone 5.0g Yeast extract 1.0g
Ferric citrate 0.1g NaCl 19.45g
MgSO4.7H2O 5.9g KCl 0.55g
Na2SO4 3.24g CaCl2 1.8g
NaHCO3 0.16g KI 0.08g
Trace elements 10ml pH 7.0-7.6
Trace element solution:
Strontium chloride 0.034g Sodium silicate 0.004g
Distilled water 1000ml H3BO4 0.022g
NaCl 0.0024g NaNO3 0.0016g
NaHPO4 0.008g distilled water 1000ml

100.(Yeast Starch Agar)
Yeast paste 2.0g soluble starch 10.0g
Agar 20.0g distilled water 1000ml
pH 7.2-7.4

2HPO4 1.0g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.5g KCl 0.5g
FeSO4.7H2O 0.01g Sucrose (sterilized separately) 30.0g
Agar 20.0g distilled water 1000ml
pH 5.6

96. GC medium (ATCC 814)
Liquid A
Agar 5.0g GC agar medium (BBL 11275) 36.0g
Distilled water 500.0ml
B liquid
Dried bovine hemoglobin (BBL 11871) 10.0g distilled water 500.0ml
Iso Vitale X (BBL 11876) 10.0ml

97. Azospirillum medium (ATCC 838)
K2HPO4 0.1g KH2PO4 0.4g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g NaCl 0.1g
CaCl2 0.02g FeCl3 0.01g
NaMoO4.2H2O 0.002g Sodium malate (Na malate) 5.0g
Yeast paste 0.05g distilled water 1000ml
pH 7.2-7.4

98. BG-11
NaNO3 1.5g K2HPO4 0.04g
MgSO4.7H2O 0.075g CaCl2.7H2O 0.036g
Na2CO3 0.02g Citric acid 0.006g
Ferric citrate 0.006g *Trace element solution A5 1ml
Ampicillin (final concentration) 50μg/ml distilled water 1000ml
Agar 20.0g
Trace element solution A5
H3BO4 2.86g MnCl2.4H2O 1.81g
ZnSO4 0.222g Na2MoO4 0.39g
CuSO4.5H2O 0.079g Co(NO3)2.6H2O 49.4g

99. (Marine Agar)
Peptone 5.0g Yeast extract 1.0g
Ferric citrate 0.1g NaCl 19.45g
MgSO4.7H2O 5.9g KCl 0.55g
Na2SO4 3.24g CaCl2 1.8g
NaHCO3 0.16g KI 0.08g
Trace elements 10ml pH 7.0-7.6
Trace element solution:
Strontium chloride 0.034g Sodium silicate 0.004g
Distilled water 1000ml H3BO4 0.022g
NaCl 0.0024g NaNO3 0.0016g
NaHPO4 0.008g distilled water 1000ml

100.(Yeast Starch Agar)
Yeast paste 2.0g soluble starch 10.0g
Agar 20.0g distilled water 1000ml
pH 7.2-7.4

This article is from the Internet, does not represent the position of Toluene diisocyanate reproduced please specify the source.https://www.chemhdi.com/archives/7084


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