What is the function of concrete water reducing agent? Let me tell you.
Water reducing agent is a type of water reducing agent that can reduce the necessary water demand in concrete, meet the required consistency requirements, and improve the workability of concrete. The …
Yulong brand concrete siliceous density agent encyclopedia call 13605520657
Concrete Siliceous Densifier “Limits of Ammonia Release in Concrete Admixtures” JC 474-2008 “Mortar, Concrete Waterproofing Agent” Concrete Siliceous Densifier (hereinafter ref…
Which concrete siliceous density agent manufacturer is the best in Anhui? How much does Jiangsu density agent cost per ton?
1. Product introduction: Add appropriate amount of concrete siliceous density agent into ordinary concrete, mix with water Hydrophobic gels and crystals are then generated, filling the capillary pores…
How to remedy concrete segregation using Yulong brand concrete anti-segregation agent adsorbent
There are many reasons for concrete segregation, and the common ones are as follows: 1 . Segregation caused by too many admixtures 2. Concrete segregation caused by excess water 3. The fine aggregate …
Concrete retarder ratio
Clay mud with obvious swelling properties and water absorption capacity will have a major impact on the working properties and final physical properties of concrete. The common clayey muds in stones m…
Principle of concrete anti-mud agent
The main reason why mud powder affects concrete mixed with lignosulfonate and naphthalene-based superplasticizer is the adsorption competition between mud powder and concrete. There is still no consis…

Causes and solutions for segregation of concrete admixtures Yulong brand anti-segregation agent manufacturer
In the entire construction process, concrete, as a basic building decoration material, is in great demand. At the same time, the quality of concrete directly determines the quality of project construc…
What to do if concrete segregates? Use this emergency treatment method
Polycarboxylate superplasticizer has been widely used in concrete production, but it is also accompanied by many problems. For example, the dosage is sensitive and can easily cause bleeding and harden…
Concrete Siliceous Density Agent Manufacturer National Total Sales of Siliceous Density Agent Price of Siliceous Density Agent Usage
Concrete siliceous density agent waterproof and crack-resistant material (hereinafter referred to as density agent) – concrete shrinkage-reducing and crack-resistant waterproof density agent, a …
Concrete density agent manufacturer, siliceous density agent price, where can you find the raw materials for density agent production?
Concrete density agent is a new generation of special concrete density material. It is composed of a variety of inorganic salts rich in cement activity and strengthening ingredients, and is compounded…