The output of copper extractants continues to grow and CommScope Chemicals is my country’s leading company
Metal extractant refers to a chemical reagent that reacts with the extracted metal to form an extraction compound and extracts it into the organic phase to achieve the purpose of metal purification an…

Water-based fluorocarbon coatings have excellent anti-corrosion properties and market demand continues to increase
Fluorocarbon paint, also known as fluorocarbon paint and fluororesin paint, is a general term for paint with fluorine-containing resin as the main film-forming substance. It is modified and processed …

The market demand for water-based epoxy resin coatings continues to increase, and industry competition will become more intense.
Water-based epoxy resin paint, also known as water-based epoxy resin paint, is a paint that uses water as the solvent or dispersion medium and does not contain organic solvents. It is one of the impor…

my country has abundant vanadium resources and the demand for vanadium batteries continues to rise
Flow batteries mainly include four categories: zinc-bromine batteries, iron-chromium batteries, all-vanadium flow batteries, and polysulfide sodium-bromine batteries. All-vanadium flow batteries are t…