Safety precautions for using pump truck lubricant. Hunan lubricant manufacturer. Where can I find Pump Runtong in Hubei?
As a polymer material, pump truck lubricant has a strong lubrication effect and can completely replace traditional cement mortar lubricant, which can greatly save the waste of cement mortar. It can al…
Why is retardant added to concrete for construction projects?
Retarding water-reducing admixtures mainly affect the properties of fresh concrete and hard-base concrete. The hazards to the properties of freshly mixed soil are roughly as follows: (1 ) Increase the…

Why are concrete retarder and early strength agent suitable for construction in high temperature and low temperature environments respectively?
Retarder for concrete is mainly used at high temperatures, because the concrete is made by pouring and smoothing, which requires a certain amount of time, and because of the high temperature environme…
General provisions for expansion agents
① In concrete projects, calcium sulfoaluminate, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, and metal expansion agents can be used. ② Expansion agent can be used to compensate for shrinkage concrete (mortar), fil…
General provisions for concrete admixture antifreeze
① Chlorine salts, chlorine salt rust inhibitors, and inorganic chlorine salt antifreeze can be used in concrete projects. ② Chloride salt antifreeze can be used in concrete projects, and chloride salt…
General provisions for early-strength agents and early-strength water-reducing agents
① In concrete projects, the following early strength agents can be used; chloride salts, sulfates, organic amines, and formates. ② Early-strength and early-strength water-reducing agent can be used fo…
General provisions for retarders and retarding water-reducing admixtures
① In concrete projects, the following retardants or retarding water reducing agents can be used, sugars, lignosulfonates, hydroxycarboxylic acids and their salts, inorganic salts and other amine salts…
Technical specification for application of concrete admixtures GBJ119-88
Based on our understanding of the properties of various admixtures, it is also crucial to further rationally select and correctly use various admixtures. Therefore, we must also understand and master …
The correct way to use pipe moistening agent. Guangdong concrete pipe moistening agent manufacturer. Which pump in Guangxi is good for moisturizing?
According to relevant research data, after adding lubricating agent to concrete, the retarding effect of concrete is obvious. The more the amount added, the better the retarding effect. . Moreover, it…
Synthetic formula of water reducing agent for concrete
Concrete water-reducing agent formula analysis and component detection organization, what is concrete water-reducing agent, concrete additive formula reduction, the role of concrete water-reducing age…