Understanding the role of early-strength water-reducing agent can solve the problems for you
The molecules of early-strength (salt) water-reducing agent are artificially formed through “molecular design” with a “comb-like” or “dendritic” structure, and ther…

The role of sodium sulfide in flotation_Kain Industrial Additives
Sodium sulfide (Na2S) is a frequently used agent in the flotation of sulfide ores. Mechanism of action 1. Inhibition mechanism of sulfide ore inhibitors 1. When the concentration of HS- ions reaches a…
The role of waterproofing agents in grouting materials. Inventory of the four major types of waterproofing agents
I believe that many people have heard of waterproofing agents. However, I believe many people are not very clear about the real role of waterproofing agents in grouting materials. The following is mai…
What role do concrete admixtures play, and can they be used without them?
Concrete admixtures include: 1. Admixtures that improve the performance of concrete mixtures and workability, including various water reducing agents, air entraining agents and pumping agents; 2. Admi…
The role of seven concrete admixtures in the solidification process
Accelerated setting agent – greatly shortens the cement setting time. The initial setting can reach 2 minutes and the final setting can reach 5 minutes. It is used for spraying concrete and plug…
The role of retarder in water reducing agent
Glucose, also known as corn glucose, corn sugar, or even commonly known as glucose, is a monosaccharide that is widely distributed in nature and is more important. This is A polyhydroxyaldehyde. Pure …
The role of water reducing agent in concrete
Refers to the fact that the workability and concrete dosage of concrete will not change the standard, which can reduce the mixing water demand and improve the rebound of concrete; Under changing stand…
The role of cement concrete admixtures
The initial use of concrete admixtures was just to save cement. With the development of construction technology, the use of concrete admixtures has become the main measure to improve the performance o…