Antifreeze type antifreeze Nanjing antifreeze Suqian early strength water reducing antifreeze Xuzhou concrete antifreeze manufacturer
In areas where the average daily temperature is below -15°C, even if the molding temperature is high after concrete is poured, due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of…
Analysis and discussion on the mechanism of concrete freezing damage Xuzhou antifreeze price Suqian antifreeze manufacturer Huaibei early strength antifreeze
There are three important conditions for concrete to be damaged by freezing, namely humidity, water and the pore condition of the internal structure of concrete. These three conditions are indispensab…
Research and application of low-alkali and high-efficiency concrete antifreeze Xuzhou antifreeze price Suqian antifreeze manufacturer
The durability of buildings has always been a concern, and among the many factors that affect the durability of concrete, alkali-aggregate reaction is one of them. Antifreeze used in winter concrete c…