Which mortar king and antifreeze will affect the solid strength of cement? Anqing antifreeze manufacturer Wuhu early strength antifreeze price
Antifreeze is an admixture that accelerates the hydration of cement. It will speed up the setting time and increase the early strength. Mortar King mainly improves the workability of mortar, that is, …
What is the difference between retarder and sodium gluconate? Must see
Our retarder is a product tailored based on the characteristics of current commercial concrete to delay the setting time of concrete and enable concrete to maintain plasticity for a longer period of t…

How to mix concrete antifreeze? Jiangsu concrete antifreeze manufacturer, which is the best early strength antifreeze in North Jiangsu?
1. For construction at 0~ -5℃, 4~6% can be added. 2. When constructing at -5~-10℃, 5~8% can be added. 3. When constructing at -10~-15℃, 8~10% can be added. Early-strength antifreeze uses special antif…
What are the theories on the retarding effect of retarder on cement? A must-see for professionals
It is well known that retarder can help retard cement to a certain extent. As a professional, you must know what kind of theory it is? The theory of retarder’s retarding effect on cement can be …
What are the main components of concrete retarder? If you don’t understand, you’ll be out.
What is the main component of concrete retarder? Generally speaking, it is not disclosed to the public. The editor of Anhui Yulong New Materials Co., Ltd. will take you today to learn about the main c…
The necessity of Hefei cement concrete antifreeze in winter construction
Facts have shown that low or negative temperature environments are very unfavorable to cement concrete construction. Low ambient temperature will slow down the hydration reaction of cement, thus affec…
What are the effects of adding too much concrete retarder?
Since admixtures can improve and adjust the properties of concrete, admixtures are used more and more widely in engineering. However, improper use of admixtures not only fails to improve and adjust th…
A good companion for mortar in winter – early strength antifreeze Hefei concrete antifreeze manufacturer effectively solves the problem of dry mortar surface and dry inside
Used as rapid setting agent, lubricant and early strength agent for cement. Used in building mortar and various concretes to speed up the hardening of cement and shorten the setting time, especially d…
What impact does testing the solid content of concrete admixtures have on cement?
According to our understanding, we learned that the liquid admixtures delivered to the mixing station generally involve the control of solid content. According to needs, if you want to adjust the wate…
Give examples to illustrate the difference between internal mixing and external mixing of concrete admixtures
The so-called internal mixing of concrete admixtures can replace part of the cement. Silica fume is used to replace the cement. There are two types: equal replacement and partial replacement. The equa…