AK sugar (acesulfame potassium) usage standards and dosage regulations in food additives
It is understood that: AK sugar (acesulfame potassium) is a white, crystalline powder, odorless, with a strong sweet taste, soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol. Widely used in food, medic…
Grouting material materials and usage methods
The grouting material is made of high-strength materials as aggregates, Portland cement or ordinary Portland cement as the binding agent, and imported additives and other substances. It is very conven…
Master the usage and dosage of water reducing agent to improve modern buildings
Water reducing agents are widely used in the modern construction industry. When using it, we must have a full understanding of the performance of the selected water-reducing agent, such as: water sens…
Concrete antifreeze dosage and usage methods and precautions Chuzhou antifreeze manufacturer Hefei early strength antifreeze price
Concrete antifreeze is combined with winter application temperature conditions, which can accelerate the condensation and hardening of concrete under negative temperature conditions. The strength incr…
The usage ratio of early-strength antifreeze. Anhui concrete antifreeze manufacturer. Where can I find antifreeze and water-reducing agent in Jiangsu?
1. Dosage: generally 3-6% of cement. 2. In order to maintain the uniform quality of the concrete mixed with this agent, the mixing time should be extended by 1-2 minutes. 3. Concrete mixed with this a…
The purposes and usage methods of fourteen common concrete additives and auxiliary materials, it is recommended to collect them
Concrete admixtures can enhance the performance of concrete, and can also be added to obtain concrete that is more suitable for use. Below are fourteen commonly used concrete additives and auxiliary m…
Usage and dosage of concrete antifreeze from Fengyang antifreeze manufacturer
Contents of this article How to use concrete antifreeze correctly? What are the regulations for the use of concrete antifreeze? How much antifreeze should be added to 10 cubic meters of concrete? How …
Antifreeze manufacturer price-concrete antifreeze usage regulations, concrete antifreeze action mechanism
Contents of this article What is the role of concrete antifreeze? What is the role of concrete antifreeze? At what temperature is the concrete antifreeze effective? What is the principle of concrete a…
How to know the usage density of early strength water reducing agent
The side chains of early-strength superplasticizers have an important impact on the dispersion and dispersion retention of cement particles. The smaller the degree of polymerization of the side chains…